Cutback asphalt is asphalt cement mixed with a solvent or distillate such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, or naphtha. This mixture makes the asphalt liquid at ambient temperatures, enhancing its ability to coat aggregates effectively. Manufacturers designate cutback asphalt with two letters followed by a numerical digit. Typically, cutback asphalt contains between 12 and 40 percent distillate, depending on the required consistency and application.
The growing demand for distillates in energy applications, coupled with stricter air quality regulations, has reduced the use of cutback asphalt over time. SC liquid asphalt results from fluxing asphalt cement with a less volatile distillate such as gas oil. SC-70 and SC-250 grade cutback asphalts closely resemble residual refinery products, commonly used as heavy fuel oils like bunker C or Number six fuel oils. These SC cutback materials, whether straight-run or fluxed with a relatively non-volatile material, are also known as “road oils.”
Cutback asphalt SC-70 sees common use in penetrating prime coats and producing patching or stockpile mixtures. When mixing with aggregate, manufacturers usually add an adhesion agent to help coat the aggregate surface. Additionally, cutback agents lower the viscosity of bitumen when applied as a primer to a road pavement aggregate base course or substrate. Kerosene, as a bitumen cutback agent, works at varying concentrations based on local conditions and specific project needs.
One key advantage of cutback bitumen SC-70 is its ease of use, especially for prime coats and cold applications. No thinning or heating is necessary. SC-70 allows easy incorporation of asphalt into non-asphalt-based courses, preparing surfaces for further construction treatments. It also waterproofs surfaces, plugs capillary voids, and coats or bonds loose mineral particles, making it essential in a wide range of construction and maintenance tasks.
To ensure safe and reliable transport, manufacturers pack cutback bitumen SC-70 in new, thick steel drums placed on pallets. This packaging prevents leakage during transport. Bulk shipments are available in bitutainers and tankers, allowing for flexibility and meeting various shipping needs.
Before use, always refer to the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for cutback bitumen SC-70. Keep the product at the lowest temperature possible during transport, use, and storage. Eliminate potential ignition sources during application. Avoid inhaling vapors and contact with skin. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including heat protection, when using the product hot. Take care not to allow the product or washings to enter stormwater or sewer systems.
Jey Pasargad guarantees the quality of cutback SC-70. The company arranges for international inspectors to verify the quality and quantity of bitumen during each shipment’s loading process. Furthermore, the company’s QC team closely monitors production by conducting detailed batch tests before shipping. With these rigorous quality control steps, Jey Pasargad ensures that cutback SC-70 meets ASTM and EN 15322:2009 standards, providing consistent performance for all applications.
The analysis of bitumen SC-70 tests key properties that highlight its performance and reliability. Each property undergoes testing according to established ASTM standards:
– Kinematic viscosity at 60°C: The viscosity ranges from 70 to 140 cSt, measured using ASTM D2170.
– Flash point (Tag Open-Cup): The minimum flash point is 65°C, measured using ASTM D1310.
– Distillate test (ASTM D402):
– To 190°C: No specified range.
– To 225°C: No specified range.
– To 260°C: No specified range.
– To 316°C: Distillate percentage by volume ranges from 10% to 30%.
– Residue from distillation to 60°C: The residue percentage ranges from 400% to 7000%.
– Penetration at 25°C: The penetration value is 50 or higher, according to ASTM D5.
– Ductility at 25°C: The minimum ductility is 100 cm, measured according to ASTM D113.
– Solubility in trichloroethylene: The solubility must be 100% by mass, according to ASTM D2024.
– Water content: The water percentage by volume must not exceed 0.2%, tested under ASTM D95.
This analysis confirms the excellent qualities of bitumen SC-70, proving it ideal for a wide range of construction and road paving projects.
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