Bitumen MC 800

Cutback bitumen MC 800


General Information of Cutback Bitumen MC-800

ATDM produces Cutback Bitumen MC-800 by dissolving bitumen in kerosene. In many regions, petroleum-based products like kerosene serve as cutback agents, reducing the viscosity of bitumen. This process results in a mixture called cutback bitumen, which offers numerous benefits. Specifically, it aids in smoother handling and more efficient application. As the bitumen softens, it adheres easily to road chips, enhancing the quality of seal coats. After application, the kerosene evaporates, leaving the bitumen to perform its protective function. Over time, the cutback agent becomes negligible in the seal coat, helping avoid long-term softening effects that could compromise the road’s durability.

About Cutback Bitumen MC-800

ATDM’s Cutback Bitumen MC-800 meets the ASTM D2028-97 (reapproved in 2004) standard for medium-curing (MC) petroleum asphalts, which makes it ideal for use in road construction and pavement treatment. This cutback bitumen is commonly used in spraying and mixing applications. It blends penetration-grade bitumen with solvents like kerosene, white spirit, gasoline, or naphtha, which control curing time and viscosity. Moreover, the bitumen, derived from fractional or vacuum distillation of crude oil, possesses thermoplastic properties, meaning it softens at higher temperatures and hardens at lower ones. This temperature-viscosity relationship is essential in ensuring optimal adhesion and durability in various applications.

Bitumen MC-800 for Road Construction

Cutback Bitumen MC-800 plays a vital role in road construction, especially in surfacing and pavement applications. Medium-Curing (MC) bitumen achieves its desired properties through the dissolution of pure bitumen in kerosene. MC-800 evaporates more slowly than gasoline, which makes it particularly effective for road surfacing. In addition, it helps incorporate asphalt into non-asphalt-based courses, laying a strong foundation for further treatments. Furthermore, MC-800 serves as an excellent waterproofing agent by sealing capillary voids and bonding loose mineral particles, thereby providing long-lasting protection for surfaces.

Packing of Bitumen MC-800

ATDM takes extra care in packaging Cutback Bitumen MC-800. We supply it in new, thick steel drums on pallets to prevent leaks, ensuring secure transport. Additionally, we offer bulk delivery options through bitutainers or tankers, offering flexibility for large-scale projects and facilitating easy storage and handling.

Uses of Cutback Bitumen MC-800

Cutback Bitumen MC-800 has a wide range of uses, particularly for prime coats, patching mixtures, and stockpiles. When mixed with aggregates, it often contains an adhesion agent that ensures the proper coating of aggregate surfaces. By lowering the viscosity of bitumen, MC-800 makes the application process easier and more efficient. It is, therefore, perfect for use as a primer on road pavements or aggregate base courses. Moreover, this product is suitable for cold applications, as it eliminates the need for thinning or heating. MC-800 also excels in waterproofing, plugging capillary voids, and bonding loose mineral particles, ensuring surface durability and protection.

Safety of Cutback Bitumen MC-800

Safety is a priority when handling Cutback Bitumen MC-800. To ensure safe use, always refer to the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) before application. Additionally, transport, store, and use the product at the lowest possible temperature. It is also essential to eliminate all potential ignition sources during the application process. Avoid breathing the vapors or allowing the product to come into contact with skin. Furthermore, always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including heat protection when using the product at high temperatures. Finally, do not allow the product or its washings to enter stormwater or sewer systems, as this can cause environmental harm.

Guaranty/Warranty of Cutback Bitumen MC-800

ATDM guarantees the quality of Cutback Bitumen MC-800. We arrange for international inspectors to verify the quality and quantity of each shipment during loading, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards. In addition, our quality control team oversees the production process, providing batch test reports before shipping. As a result, ATDM guarantees that our products meet the ASTM/EN 15322:2009 standards, giving customers confidence in the quality and reliability of each shipment.

Analysis of Bitumen MC-800

ATDM’s Cutback Bitumen MC-800 meets the following specifications:

– Kinematic Viscosity at 60°C: 800-1600 cST (ASTM D2170)
– Flash Point (Tag Open-Cup): Minimum 60°C (ASTM D1310)

Distillation Test (ASTM D402):
– Distillate, percent by volume of total:
– To 190°C: 15%
– To 225°C: 20-60%
– To 260°C: 50-90%
– To 316°C: 80-90%
– Residue from Distillation to 360°C: Minimum 80%

Test on Residue from Distillation:
– Penetration at 25°C, 100g for 5 Seconds: 50-250 mm
– Ductility at 25°C: 120-250 cm (ASTM D402 / ASTM D113)
– Solubility in Trichloroethylene: 100% (ASTM D402 / ASTM D2024)
– Water Content: Maximum 0.2% (ASTM D95)


In conclusion, ATDM’s Cutback Bitumen MC-800 offers a reliable, high-performance solution for road construction, surfacing, and pavement maintenance. By reducing viscosity, it ensures smoother application and superior adhesion. Whether used for prime coats, waterproofing, or aggregate bonding, MC-800 consistently delivers exceptional results. Additionally, with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, ATDM stands as your trusted partner for all bitumen needs.

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